Busy, busy, busy

My trip to Paris is coming up, so all I can focus on now, is planning. So many things to do and so little time.

Surrealistic Commercial

I seldom watch TV commercials mostly because many of them usually either are boring or dumb. But I have to say that H&M spring commercial caught my attention. It is directed by Johan Renck , a Swedish musician, music video director and now film director. It's so imaginary and surrealistic. My favorite part is lady on a ladder. She climbs up to the ceiling till her head is out only to realize that her head is actually out from the floor.

Amazing Typography

There is something so artistic about the different shapes, sizes and styles of type. But typography is not just about choosing a nice typeface. Actually it's much more than that, and some designers proved it by mixing typography with portraits and creating typograhic faces.

Ruffles, ruffles, ruffles

This spring I'm totally crazy about ruffles. Whether they are outrageously oversized or soft and subtle - fairly demure or very sophisticated. However you wear them, ruffles will add a feminine touch to your look. That's why I looooooove them!!!!!

Madonna for Versace

2005 Versace ad campaign featuring Madonna and shot by Mario Testino. It's a really great photo but being design addicted, all I can concentrate on is the excellent lucite furniture she's surrounded by.