Gray with a punch

Lately I've been writing how much I love gray, and how fabulous color it is. And especially a gray with a punch of color. So here is the proof. This apartment is amazing. I adore the contrast of gray walls with bright color furniture and accessories. You can say everything about it but definitely not that it's dull or gloomy. And the chandeliers - simply stunning.

Get the look: Whitney's office

Lately I've been watching Six Degrees and I must admit that I really looove this TV serial. It follows the lives of six people as they go about their daily lives without realizing the impact they are having on one another and how all six of their lives are intertwined. But one of the things that I mostly like bout it, is one of main characters' (Whitney) office. I simply loove the whiteness of the space with splashes of red and green here and there. It's so crisp and clean. And here are some things that'll help you get an office like this.

Turquoise obsession - Jewelry

As I wrote in an earlier post, I'm really passionate about turquoise. And turquoise jewelry - it's simply fabulous!!!! But not only I think so.

Paying a visit to: Jill Stuart

I just came across issue of Elle Decor featuring the dream apartment of fashion designer Jill Stuart. It' so chic, minimalist and feminine. I simply love the crispness and freshness of this tranquil Soho penthouse. Clean, modern lines and the use of bold artwork (like fabulous large art piece in the living room) and sophisticated details, make this place has a soft feminine touch. And the view - just breathtaking.

Getting older

I know this pink collage is quite a bit candy, but whatever, today are my birthday. I'm quite excited, while I'm going to celebrate them with some of my friends and that should be a fun. I wish the weather was better, but what can you do…

P.S. to my friends - Things to wish me:

  1. Finding a job - I really do need one, being unemployed is killing me
  2. Getting my MA - I hope that my thesis promoter will eventually recall me and give me the date
  3. Doing my driving license - it's definitely the highest time to do it
  4. Moving out - I really, really want to live on my own
  5. Visiting NYC - I've never been there and I'm dying to go (definitely to much "Sex and The City" & "Six Degrees") ;)

The Chic & The Cars

I looove this retro photoshoot. It' so colorful and funny. I adore the little vintage hats, so sophisticated. And the candy Cadillac, simply mind - blowing.

p.s. photos via Sofia Sanchez & Mauro Mongiello

Julie & Julia & Liska

Yesterday I went to the cinema to see Julie & Julia. Besides the fact, that it was a really nice, heart-warming story, I also came to a conclusion that Julie Powell reminds me in some way Liska from White Plate. And event though there is no task (like doing somebody' recipes in a year), I really looove her blog!!! Not only her fabulous recipes but also the great photos and foremost the way in which she writes about cooking. With every word you can just feel the passion. I'm really amazed with her blog and wish her all the best.

P.S. all photos via White Plate

1000 Shades of Grey

Who says that grey is dull, is definitely wrong. I love grey, while it has 1000 of shades. It can be dark or light, casual or elegant, more lilac or rather brownish. And with punch of color it simply rocks!!!