I looove to travel. Unfortunately I can't afford to travel as much as I would like. Of course I know that you don't need a lot of money to do that, because there are always things like camping and you also can hitch-hike. But to say truly, I never was this kind of person - my loss. That's why I'm so amazed & so impressed by my friend Gosia and her boyfriend Czarek. They have been going on such wild expeditions for few years now. Thanks to this kind of traveling they have seen Spain and Norway. And in November, they have gone to Patagonia. All their adventures are documented on their blog: Patagonia Expedition. It's really stunning. When I read it, I believe that where there is a will, there is a way.
Underwater fairytale
I love those underwater photos made by Zena Holloway. The way, in which she's capturing the movement. And the fabulous stylization - they look as some characters taken from fairytales.

And here is short film by Zena Holloway. Of course also made underwater.
Damaged wall
When it comes to my room, I'm a constant changer. I'm never satisfied with what I've done already. And recently I was trying to hang my shelf somewhere else. Unfortunately part of my wall had fell off, and so there was a huge hole in the middle. And it looked like that:

But fortunately I've already repaired it and now, it really doesn't look so bad.

P.S. Here are some more photos of my room.

My little pink carnation bouquet
Yesterday I went on the flower market. Mostly there were only roses. Of course in every possible shape & color but nevertheless there were roses. And unfortunately I have an allergy to them. But then I have noticed beautiful carnations. I was simply amazed by their colors - light and dark pink. So without second thoughts I bought them. And so now I have my little pink carnation bouquet.

Victoria Hagan
I like Victoria Hagan's interiors so much!! They're so crisp & clean. Mainly in neutral colors with beautiful details. Who wouldn't like to live in one of them.

Vintage time
David Downtown
The next dose of fabulous fashion illustration. This time there are made by fashion illustrator David Downtown.

Dream apartment
Airy movement
I' m crazy about these photos made by Scandinavian fashion photographer Andreas Sjödin. His ability of making clothes look beautifully is stunning.

Chic feminine bedroom
Lately I was looking through my old magazines and I came up against photos of Denise Elphick apartment. How couldn't I noticed it earlier? It' s so feminine and glamorous. The main colors are black, white and gray with touch of pink. It's also full of mirrors and reflective surfaces - just stunning.
And inspired by those photos I recreated my own vision of glamorous feminine bedroom.
Aasha Ramdeen
Aasha Ramdeen received her ba in graphic design, and mfa in fine art in 2002. Since then she has worked in various arenas from advertising to the stationery industry, while remaining both a freelance illustrator and continuing to produce commissioned art. As a result, her work has appeared on numerous stationery products, websites, textiles, home décor and private collections throughout the world.
And here are some of her fashion illustrations - aren't they gorgeous?