One of the highest-profile designers in the United Kingdom and foremost one of my most favorite is Kelly Hoppen. She has worked in interior design since the age of 17, and been awarded an MBE (member of the Order of the British Empire) for services to interior design. She also has published books, such as : East Meets West, Table Chic, In Touch, Close Up, Kelly Hoppen Style and Kelly Hoppen Home.
Kelly Hoppen's interiors are renowned for appealing to all of the senses. Crisp, clean and timelessly elegant - designed for a sophisticated and design-savvy clients. Based on Asian ideals, they perfectly represents her design philosophy: a blend of Eastern balance, modified for our demanding Western lifestyle.
She believes one's home is central to one's well being. She prefers contrasting textures to a diversity of colors provoking a depth of feeling and a sensual experience. Cashmere, leather, cotton, wood and wool in the same color scheme are juxtaposed to gracefully unify room into an elegant yet soothing cocoon. The neutral colors and contrasting textures create a sense of calm and peacefulness.
Kelly is all about luxury - but not over the top, rather simple understated luxury for every day living. Her designs are not only sophisticated and elegant but foremost live-able and practical. "The glamour and glitz are fine, but at the end of the day, a comfortable place to come home to is what it's all about for me."
Kelly Hoppen’s name has become synonymous with her trademark neutral, quietly sophisticated, but always modern, interiors. With her an amazing eye for symmetry and balance and chic use of colors and textures, her rooms are minimalistic but not austere, evoking the charm and feel of decadency.
"I work amazingly hard," says Hoppen, "but I feel as though I have a blessed life." Many would agree. Her portfolio includes many fabulous designs and successful lines of home furnishings from candles to carpets, fabric to furniture and her next book is in the works.

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